Monday, January 30, 2017

Week 4 @ The Dahlhouse

I got this idea of a weekly update from my sweet friend Shelly, who blogs all about her family and life adventures over at  I love how she posts a weekly update.  One of my goals this year is to blog more frequently, but I often will let weeks and months go before returning back to write.  So, even if this is only for my record, I will enjoy writing a weekly update about what is going on around our home.  I hope you don't mind me copying your idea Shelly (you inspire me).  So here we attempt at weekly blog posts about our life.  (I will need to go back and update the first 3 weeks of the year). 

MARVELING at how quickly time goes by.  Another sweet friend, Brienne Morris @ Brienne Kristin Photography took Man Cub's Valentine's day pictures this past week.  Each time I enter her white room, I am reminded of our first meeting, when Matthew was only 1 month old.  I am so thankful for the friendship that was formed.  I truly enjoy our visits over camera flashes and babies crawling on the floor.  Brienne has created such a peaceful place to have your kiddos photographed.  From one month to eleven months...time doesn't stop ticking away. 

LOOKING forward to Matthew's first birthday celebration.  If you ask my older kiddos they will tell you we are having a "BLOW OUT BIRTHDAY BASH!"  And they are so RIGHT!!!  The faster time goes by, the more I am consciously deciding to really enjoy moments and milestones.  Matthew's birthday is what we are calling our "MAN CUB" birthday with buffalo plaid as a theme.  I can't wait to share all about his party!  My brother and sister-in-law are even coming up from California.  I may or may not have been planning for this celebration since Matthew was four months old.  Haha

DESIGNING color-me Valentine's Day cards for my daughter with my Circuits.  I even sold a few sets to some customers.  Bella has been my shadow these days and she is usually my go-to in all things crafty. 

TEACHING at VIPKID.  I was able to create some fun reward systems for my super cute students!  This was a dino puzzle I found second hand.  I glued Velcro to the back of each piece and matched it up with their cut-out.  This helps keep the dinos in place when I am holding up the puzzle so they can see it.  I am really enjoying my time teaching with this program.  And I love I don't have to leave the house.  Currently, I am creating a virtual classroom in my closet. 

CELEBRATING Chinese New Year!  This little one has been enthralled with Chinese New Year and all the traditions that come with it.  She celebrated it in school and then we all went out to Panda Express on the actual Chinese New Year.  This was all her idea!  They were even handing out red envelopes and stickers.  I am so thrilled to see her so happy about learning, and I have learned so much about my students as well!

CARING for this sweet husband of mine.  He threw his back out on Thursday and missed work both Thursday and Friday, which is unheard of for him.  He has worked through all sorts of things.  It is difficult to see someone you love in so much pain.  I helped take him to the doctor, meds, heating pad, food...up and down the stairs.  LOL.  Mark was just so sad he couldn't pick up Matthew, who didn't understand why daddy couldn't play.  I am happy to report Mark is doing much better and back at work. 

I found this quote to be especially inspiring this week as I have began teaching on a part-time basis..."A lack of confidence doesn't have to be the death of your calling."~ Steven Furtick.  I have often contemplated over the last two years if I was ever going back to teaching.  The last several teaching experiences have robbed me of every ounce of confidence I have ever had regarding what kind of teacher I am.  I have always felt teaching was one of my "callings".  It is nice to walk around with the knowledge that regardless of what I feel about my confidence the calling is still there. 

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