Sunday, November 12, 2017

Week #41 @ The Dahlhouse

Week #41 found us attending "Apple Day" in the first grade.  I got to bring a long a little helper.  And help he did!!!  He helped re-arrange of all Miss Moore's books, and pencils and scrap paper.  He helped by climbing under all of the desks and throwing paper on the floor.  He helped by screaming in protest when it was time to leave.  He is such a good helper.  Bella's class had fun making applesauce, graphing their favorite types of apples and making apple noodles.  I really appreciate all the fun hands on learning she does in school. 

I went back out to the Vancouver Pumpkin Patch and had fun picking tomatoes and peppers and came home to make fresh salsa.  I've always wanted to this, and it was good to begin something and see it through to completion. 
This is real life most cleaning and the kids coming right alongside me destroying any of my efforts. 

We had our family pictures taken.  Stay tuned!!!  I can't wait to see them. 
Keeping up with this guy!  He loves being outside and because we have had some unusually warm days we have been able to play more.
My ever growing long lists have helped keep me organized.  I enjoy seeing things get crossed off the list. 
We were excited to have Bella's teacher and her daughter over to our home for a play date.  The girls really enjoy one another's company.  They caught so many frogs in our backyard I lost count. 

We love our bun-buns and so does Matthew!

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Week #37 & #38 @ The Dahlhouse

I am attempting to get "caught up" on our happenings at the Dahlhouse.  So I am squeezing a couple of weeks together.  Week #37 and #38 were filled with appointments.  Seriously how do we have so many appointments???? One week it was 8...yes 8 appointments...the other week it was 6!
Repurposing some older furniture for newer little people.  The white cubbies used to be Bella's with green and pink bins.  I bought new bins at IKEA and used my Cricut to cut out his name and the Batman symbol.  I was really happy with how it turned out and now it is holding toys and books!
When you have older sisters...enough said!
Decorating the front of the house for fall.  My favorite time of year.
Lots of VIPKID.
The smoky filled Gorge from the Eagle Creek fires.  Mark drove me up to see the Gorge (from the Washington side) after we had some rain.  The smoke was still very thick in the air. We were able to drive home the Oregon side after they had just reopened I-84.  There is a lot of loss, but there was still a lot of green.  It was good to see.
Man Cub "helping".
Computer work
TV watching
Teeth flossing
Someone got their braces off!!!!
Someone went to the dentist! (That someone HATES the dentist).

Some serious Wii playing going on.  I love that Matthew thinks he is playing.  I also LOVE that my olders include him in their play.
Baby in a box.

I had my mole mapping down at OHSU.  I was not prepared with how vulnerable I felt.  There were two female medical assistants with me. You stand completely naked in this booth with NINE different cameras pointing at you.  The TV screen takes you through how to pose your body into 7 individual poses so that photographs will capture all of your skin.  After it was finished, I paid the $150 dollars (insurance doesn't cover it) and then you wait for your photos to be downloaded onto a flash drive.  After it was all over, I cried.  Its the journey.  One foot in front of the other.
I did have these two people waiting for me when it was over.
The perfect end to a long week.

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Week #36 @ The Dahlhouse

Week #36 found Man Cub and I waiting a very long time at the dermatologists office to have my stitches removed.  I waiting and hour and 15 minutes for a two minute appointment.  I realized I probably could have had Mark remove them himself.  Lesson learned. Stitches were out!

We had a very fun time at my cousin's wedding on Sauvie Island.  It was a beautify venue for a wedding and I enjoyed catching up with my aunts, uncles and cousins.

I am continuing on teaching with VIPKID.  I reached a goal of teaching my 500th class.  Crazy.  My new goal is that my extra classes I book are for a future trip to Disneyland with the kids.  It is a great motivator.

After wedding brunch at Olympia Provisions.  I was hands-down the best breakfast I have ever had.
"Luke...I am your brother!"  "Never underestimate the power of the dark side!"
The smoke began to roll in from the Eagle Creek wild fires.

Lunch at our fav....The Original Taco House.  Always makes me think of my dad.  Always.
The ash began to fall and accumulate on our vehicles.  The air quality was extremely unhealthy.
An example of the devastation the Columbia River Gorge experienced.  
More ash.
Our tired buddy.  Man I LOVE this kiddo.
He is sunshine for the soul.
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