Thursday, September 19, 2013

"S" to-the-"I" to-the-"C" to-the-"K"!!!

So...we've been sick!  As in all 5 of us S-I-C-K!  Like middle of the winter sick.  In fact... in a span of three weeks we have all been on antibiotics.  There have been ear infections, sinus infections, croup, upper respiratory infections and bronchitis.  Fun times here!  Don't you wish your family was blessed with all this sickness?  No..I's been horrible and I wouldn't wish this on anyone.
I'm still coughing...good times.  Bella is still coughing....Mark's ear is still bugging him, but we press on.
Out of all of us though...Bella has been the most sick.  She is the one that scared me, ER visit, and two weeks later double ear infections. 
She spent about a week sleeping at the foot of our bed just so I could hear her.  Poor baby.
Luke seems to have made his full recovery.  Going a zillion miles a minute and "crashing" at night to sleep.  He has a very nice teacher this year and I feel we are blessed.  She moved up from 3rd grade this past year, but really seems to know how to connect with 5th graders...seriously how can he be in 5th grade :(
Grace is doing well too!  She loves school and there is nothing greater than being able to check on her, hug her and talk to her throughout the day.  She loves helping me set up my classroom in the morning.
I missed the 3rd day of school....seriously...I hated every minute of it, but my temperature was 102 degrees...what can you do?
This last picture is just for fun.  Last week when I was so sick and didn't do ANYTHING (dishes, laundry, etc...) the kids took advantage and messes like this greeted me when I finally emerged from our bedroom. Oh play-doh how I have a love/hate relationship with you.  So beneficial but so messy and potential for destruction of carpet is very HIGH!

Can't wait to post when we are finally healthy and well.  That's all from the Dahl House!!! Peace Out! :)

Friday, September 6, 2013

Babies Don't Keep

Time has a way of marching on.  You can't stop it, contain it or add to it.  It just ticks silently by.  Somehow your three year old that you are just certain started preschool is now somehow in the 5th grade.  Growing taller, stronger and smarter with each passing day.  I told him before he went to his first day of 5th grade I was going to shrink him back down until he was three years old again.  He just laughs at me and says "mom...your so funny."  I smile back but the truth is I can't believe how fast time flies by.  I can't keep him little.
I am so proud about what Luke has accomplished.  He has defied the odds and this mama celebrates his life! So many days he is my hero.  I look at him and I feel his strength.  What a blessing he is.  I remind myself to hold on to every moment, every hug, every time he wants me to play with him, because I know there will come a time I will not be a preferred playmate.
Here is her sweetness on her first day of preschool.  Three years old and ready to conquer the world!  Oh how I lover her adorable cheeks and the fact she let me dress her and do her hair any way that I liked.  How is it possible she stands in front of the same door (same doormat and boots) and has grown up into a 3rd grader?  Be still my heart!!!
I'm so happy that she was excited for school this year.  She made me so proud on the first day the way she marched right into her classroom and embraced her new school.  The school she desired to go too.  What a perfect fit her sweet personality.  A small class of 17 kids and personal attention and connection to her teacher. I am excited for her school year and happy to be on this side of the valley we went through last year.
Oh how I long to hold that sweet little baby again!!! She was 5 days old in this picture.  Complete miracle and I am pinching myself because I still can't believe God allowed me to have her.  She has changed me for the better.  She has taught me so many lessons (as all my kids have).  Babies don't keep...her newborn smell faded, she learned to hold her head up, roll over, talk, crawl, walk.  So much in the first year. 

You blink and here is the same baby ready for her first day of preschool!  Where did the time go?  She did incredible on her first day.  Marched right into her classroom and talked to her teacher.  NO TEARS!  A year ago (heck three months ago) I didn't think preschool would be possible for Bella.  But here she is....making progress...ready to learn and spread her wings just a little more.  

I keep holding them tight because even though they will always be my babies...babies don't keep.

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