Friday, October 24, 2014

Breaking the Silence

Welcome back!  I have been silent for several months.  I took a break.  The summer had been crazy, and I have been processing things, and the routine of school starting up happened, and then it seems as though time flew by.
The end of our summer was jam packed with so many things.  From the fair, to camping, back to school preparations, meetings, buying a new truck, meet the teacher, motorbike riding, classroom decorating etc.  It was a lot for this mama.
I had a rough summer...though I enjoyed so much of it with the kids and our activities, but I struggled with me, my role, my goals, my career, the direction life was taking me (or pulling me it seemed).  I suffered some scary vertigo this summer.  One such episode scared me so badly I ended up seeking medical care.  But as it turned out only to be benign positional vertigo.  Stress as I was told can plan a role in what I experienced, and I was very stressed over the summer.
After two very stressful back-to-back teaching experiences, I was ready to throw in the towel on my teaching career.  In fact, at one point decided I was not going back to teaching for the 2014-2015 school year.  But, I had a very vivid dream one night (which I believe to be spiritual) that confirmed within my heart my calling to teach, my passion to teach and my ministry to teach.  So, I jumped back in faith that God was going to do something new and exciting.  I wish I could tell you that I was positive and didn't worry, but I was really kind of a mess in the beginning (nervous and anxious).  But this year has been incredible so far!  I am so filled with joy and LOVE my students, their families and enjoy being on the early childhood teaching team!  My aide is amazing and I enjoy our friendship so much.  I really feel supported.
In a mission to reclaim my mental and physical health I visited both my doctor and naturopathic doctor.  They both ran tests and have helped me feel physically better than I have in a long, long time. I am grateful for access to medical providers and their knowledge.  It was a big step for me to go and ask for help.  My only regret is that I didn't go six months ago.
How are my kiddos doing you might ask?  I know most everything thus far has been about me.  The kids are really doing excellent.  They are all three attending CCA.  And the most wonderful thing is they are all in the same classrooms that they were in last year (different teachers) but they same rooms. It has provided a level of comfort and security for them.  Luke is doing well. He is getting very tall.  We have another Casey Eye appointment coming up this Tuesday.  These make me nervous but the last one was good, so I continue to expect good things.  Bella has lost her bottom two teeth already at four and half years!  My baby!! I guess it is genetic because I lost my bottom teeth at four also.
My Gracie girl is doing very well.  She is beautiful and talented and spirited!  She read a poem in front of the entire school for grandparents day.  She also started the year off reading at grade level!  I am so proud of her.  

Mark is busy with his projects, helping his dad with his projects and working.  He just celebrated 10 years at BNSF Railway!  Crazy it's been 10 years.  

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