Wednesday, July 12, 2017

VIPKID Teaching Work From Home Update (6 months Later)

You guys...I am just a few days away from my six month anniversary at VIPKID!  What an incredible six months it has been!  I thought I would give you all a little update about my first months at VIPKID. 

First off...I was hired in the middle of January, which is quite possibly the worst time for beginning to teach at VIPKID due to the start of Chinese New Year.  It was a very slow start.  Although, because I was very part time, it didn't bother me.  In January I taught a total of six classes. LOL.  February I moved along and taught 35 classes.  That was just enough to hit the first bonus of an extra .50 cents a class.  I was thrilled.  The following month I taught 63 classes and in April 73 classes.  In the month of May I taught 96 classes!  This was a major victory for me!  I am so happy to have found something that I can do entirely at home, and mainly while my kids are sleeping.  My job takes little time away from my babies, and I have little to no stress associated with my position.  I work the days and the hours I decide.  Yes, there is a sacrifice because I get up early a few days a week.  But, I have come to love the quietness of those early hours, and enjoy my time that I spend getting a glimpse into China.  It always amazes me to hear the honking of cars in China, seeing the sun set while the sun here is rising. 

VIPKID is really a fun place to work.  They have all sorts of incentives, contests, bonuses and they truly care about the people who work for them.  I have had fun digging out my teaching materials to see what I can use to teach my Chinese students.  I have built up a small clientele of students who regularly see me, and even a couple of students who exclusively see me.

Technology is amazing.  This is a view from my app on my phone.  It is wonderful to be able to look at my schedule and classes from my iPhone. 

My desk will typically look like this after my morning classes.  We have fun, sing songs, practice words, play games.  Lots of props and high energy is needed.

Recently, I moved my desk and set up downstairs.  With the kids' doors closed and their white noise machines on they cannot hear me teaching downstairs.  It has made my life a lot easier to be out of our walk in closet.  I can finally breathe!  This is a picture of my new set up.  VIPKID has brought me a lot of joy and given me my love for teaching back.  I always tell people I NEVER would have imagined myself working for an online company.  VIPKID is totally legit.  I've been paid every month on time, and I enjoy teaching my special little ones on the other side of the word.  It is only one computer trip away. 

If you would like more information on how you can become a VIPKID teacher please feel free to contact me @   I would love to share more with you.  If you apply you can use one of the below codes or link.  They both work.  This is not a multilevel marketing company, however, if you are hired, I get a little monetary bonus.  I just signed my second contract and look forward to another six months with this awesome company!

copy and paste into sign up page:
referral link: code: 01Y0KQ 

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