Sunday, December 16, 2007

Gingerbread Houses, Frosting, And Candy Oh MY!!!

The Kids and I have been doing some fun Christmas activities. Tonight we made Gingerbread houses. I am still covered in frosting as I type this. They loved the houses and cookies but I am convinced they loved eating the candy even more.

They were also playing with our "little people" nativity tonight. Gracie was very upset that Luke put the Angel in the Palm Tree. "No, no Lukey" she said. Luke said, "Gracie, the angel has to go up here in the tree. She can see the whole town." It made since to me, but Gracie wasn't having any of that.

Fianlly after I got the little loves to brush their teeth and tuck them in bed, Luke pipes up, "MOM, I need a snack. I want marshmellows." I said, "sorry, you already ate too much candy had a cookie and you brushed your teeth." He replied, "Marshmellows aren't candy." I wasn't even going to try and explain. Still the answer was "No snack."

Mom's Day Out/ Job Update

Saturday I ended up getting the entire day to myself. It was amazing. I got a manicure and pedicure and was completely pampered. Then I went out to lunch with Mark. Two dates in a week! A girl could get used to this.

I finished the day up shopping for work clothes. Speaking of work, I am moving ahead with everything regarding my job. I signed a mountain of paperwork and still have to speak with payroll and benefits. I get fingerprinted tomorrow and then Tuesday I am being trained on the district wide computer system and IEP online. Wednesday and Thursday I am doing observations of my classroom (which they are paying me for). A girl can get used to this too. Needless to say I am very, very excited!!! Another blessing that happened is Mark's mom has agreed to watch our little loves during the overlap time that Mark goes to work and I come home. It is a huge blessing and a weight off my shoulders. Everything has come into place. Yeah!

Happy 29th Birthday Daddy!

Last Monday Mark celebrated his 29th birthday. His birthday did not turn out the way I planned, but we had nice time. The kids got him some moutain climbing socks. I got him a book called, The Kid Who Climbed Mount Everest." And I also got him a $100 gift card to REI. He was saying he wanted to purchase a water purification system, so that helped him. I have to admit I am enjoying the book more than Mark right now (I stole it!). It is a great story. I bought him a banana cake from Larson's bakery. It is one of his favorite cakes. Then Mark's mom came over and watched the kids so we could go to a movie. Wow!!! I couldn't remember the last time I was completely alone with my husband with no children. It was nice. We saw American Gangster. It was a great movie and one that leaves you thinking about it for days. It was also a true story. Mark said he had a great birthday. It was pretty low key, but he new how much we loved him. I promised him to go all out next year when he turns 30.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

My Tiger Woods

Luke and I were cleaning out his room the other week, and I found this cute little hat I had bought him the very first Christmas he spent with us. It went with this little adorable sweater vest and gray pants. Anyway, the hat is size 12-24months. My poor Lukey has the smallest head, in part, because of his medical condition known as microcephely.
Well, after four years the hat finally fits! I didn't dare tell him it was his "baby hat", instead I told him it was his "golf hat". You should have seen how his eyes lit up. He immediately went and got out his set of clubs and gloves. He then looks right at me and asks, "mom, am I really Tiger Woods?" And I answered, "of course you are sweetie." So, I might of not been totally honest with my child, but with this picture staring at you how could you not?

More Interviews

I have been offered the postion I mentioned in the earlier post; however, I haven't signed a teaching contract yet. In the meantime, I have two other principals call and schedule interviews with me. Tomorrow I have two more interviews. One is in the Vancouver School District for a learning support K-5 teacher and the other is with Evergreen School District at Riverview Elementary in a developmental K-1 special education class. It is really weird because I went to school at Riverview. So, we will see who makes the best offer and which job I like the best. It is weird to be pursued by so many job options at once. I feel very blessed!

Friday, November 30, 2007

Well, My Digital Camera Is Lost...& Other Ramblings

Well, I can't seem to find my digital camera. So pictures will have to wait at this point. . . There has been a lot going on in the Dahl house this past couple of weeks so I will see if I can get you update.

First off we had a wonderful Thanksgiving. We celebrated with my mom and Roger the Monday before Thanksgiving. They took a vacation to Hawaii this Thanksgiving Holiday. On the actual holiday we celebrated with Mark's family at my in-laws house. It was a nice time and relaxing. Audra (my sis-in-law) and Kay watched a really cute movie together and of course the kids entertained :) I hit the black Friday sales starting at 4am the day after. I got some great deals and really had a blast. Although it would have been more fun with my mom to laugh with and run around the stores crazy with (there's next year).

We cut down our Christmas tree today (and Mimi's too, since she is still in Hawaii). Luke actually got to help saw the tree down this year. Although I think by far his favorite part was yelling "timber". Gracie was upset she didn't get to saw. By the time we made it back to Daddy's truck, Luke was soaked to the bone from running through all the Christmas trees. I had to peel all his clothes off and wrap him up in my coat. Sophie is still recovering from her bought with stomach flu. She cried most of the time. Oh well. Atleast she was well enough to come.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Job Oppertunities

I have two job interviews lined up for next week. I don't know if the position was offered if I would take either job. It is so weird to have applied to all of these school districts for years and never have heard anything, and then in two days receive calls from two seperate school districts that are wanting me to come in for an interview. It is very tempting to live my dream, but I have to make sure now is the time.

I'll have to let you know how it goes.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Fall Is In The Air

I love fall. I think it is my favorite time of year. Here are some pictures to recap our fall adventures. I took the kids to the pumpkin patch. We had a great Halloween, and our front yard tree turned a beautiful burnt red color and the leaves fell off.
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