Sunday, December 16, 2007

Happy 29th Birthday Daddy!

Last Monday Mark celebrated his 29th birthday. His birthday did not turn out the way I planned, but we had nice time. The kids got him some moutain climbing socks. I got him a book called, The Kid Who Climbed Mount Everest." And I also got him a $100 gift card to REI. He was saying he wanted to purchase a water purification system, so that helped him. I have to admit I am enjoying the book more than Mark right now (I stole it!). It is a great story. I bought him a banana cake from Larson's bakery. It is one of his favorite cakes. Then Mark's mom came over and watched the kids so we could go to a movie. Wow!!! I couldn't remember the last time I was completely alone with my husband with no children. It was nice. We saw American Gangster. It was a great movie and one that leaves you thinking about it for days. It was also a true story. Mark said he had a great birthday. It was pretty low key, but he new how much we loved him. I promised him to go all out next year when he turns 30.

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