Saturday, May 21, 2011

What is Luke's therapy like???

Luke doing a puzzle while having our first and last iLs session in West Linn (before we found out the insurance won't cover it). By the way, Luke has never sat and done a puzzle like this before, EVER. He finished it too, with minimal help from me. I was impressed.

Luke working with Janell on speech sounds and phonemic awareness during our first and last therapy session.

When we finish raising the funds for the iLs (Integrated Listening Systems), Luke will begin therapy sessions in our home. I am going to be trained in June by iLs to use this machine with Luke (and others if I want). The iLs programs will "re-train" parts of the brain involved with learning, communicating and moving. By combining an auditory (listening) program with specific visual and balance activities, iLs strengthens neurological pathways and improves the ability to learn and process information. This program uses both air conduction and bone conduction to deliver information. The music in the iLs is "gated" music. This means that the program filters the music to remove high, low and middle frequencies a different points during a session. Alternating between these frequencies exercises the ear (muscles of the middle ear). The benefits to this program are increased concentration, cognitive skills, reading and writing, visual, auditory and motor coordination, processing speed, energy, self-confidence and mood and behavior. During our sessions Luke will also be working on reading and phonemic awareness strategies to improve reading fluency and recall.

An update on our funds is that we have raised $800 so far towards the iLs system! In less than a week we have raised that much. Only $1000 more to go. I am AMAZED at God's goodness and faithfulness to us! Keep praying for Luke and the additional funds that we need. My sister Katie is still donating her proceeds from her online store to Luke... visit SLATED . Thank you again Katie and to everyone that has donated so far. You ARE making a DIFFERENCE in my son's life!

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