Week five found us all busy as usual. The girls helped me make some homemade play-doh. I forgot how easy and simple it is. We ended up making several batches in various colors. I continue to try and expose Matthew to various sensory experiences even though we are on a long break from therapy.
Valentine’s Day was right around the corner. Bella is our resident artist and never passes up the opportunity to create. She made this darling unicorn glitter bag to collect Valentine’s. I showed my love for Valentine’s Day by getting pink nails and had a little heart painted on each ring finger.
I was extremely proud of Luke who ended up getting straight As this first semester of his Sophomore year. He actually brought up his Chemistry grade from a B+ to A- all on his own by asking his teacher what he could do. I am seeing such maturity and growth from him this year.
Bella had a field trip to plant trees with the City of Vancouver. They were working to plant trees to help bring back the salmons natural habitat to this small stream. Matthew tagged along and they both got to ride in the BIG bus.
In case you were wondering, Barbie is still living her best life over here. The girls found out that Grace’s iPhone works in the holder that is meant for Barbie’s TV in Bella’s Dream House. We all got the biggest laughs that Barbie was watching Life in the Dream House, while in her own Dream House. Toys these days are so crazy in what they can accomplish.
Matthew’s picture was chosen as the cover photo for the Special Needs Parents Group that I am apart of. I was really excited to see that.
I finished the day subbing a half time job at Matthew’s school (not in his class). I enjoyed my time in first grade. I remember why I love the littles!