Saturday, February 29, 2020

Straight As, Field Trips & Valentine’s Nails: Week Five

Week five found us all busy as usual.  The girls helped me make some homemade play-doh. I forgot how easy and simple it is.  We ended up making several batches in various colors.  I continue to try and expose Matthew to various sensory experiences even though we are on a long break from therapy.

Valentine’s Day was right around the corner.  Bella is our resident artist and never passes up the opportunity to create.  She made this darling unicorn glitter bag to collect Valentine’s.  I showed my love for Valentine’s Day by getting pink nails and had a little heart painted on each ring finger.

I was extremely proud of Luke who ended up getting straight As this first semester of his Sophomore year.  He actually brought up his Chemistry grade from a B+ to A- all on his own by asking his teacher what he could do.  I am seeing such maturity and growth from him this year.

Bella had a field trip to plant trees with the City of Vancouver.  They were working to plant trees to help bring back the salmons natural habitat to this small stream.  Matthew tagged along and they both got to ride in the BIG bus.

In case you were wondering, Barbie is still living her best life over here.  The girls found out that Grace’s iPhone works in the holder that is meant for Barbie’s TV in Bella’s Dream House.  We all got the biggest laughs that Barbie was watching Life in the Dream House, while in her own Dream House.  Toys these days are so crazy in what they can accomplish.

Matthew’s picture was chosen as the cover photo for the Special Needs Parents Group that I am apart of.  I was really excited to see that.

I finished the day subbing a half time job at Matthew’s school (not in his class).  I enjoyed my time in first grade.  I remember why I love the littles!

Friday, February 14, 2020

Substitute Teaching, Siblings and Potty Training: Week Four

Do you have a goal(s) for yourself?  Things that speak to you that you are passionate about?  Mine is teaching.  Teaching for me has been a rocky journey.  Some years it was an amazing experience, and some years it was hard, messy and exhausting.  There have been times I swore I would never teach again.  However, this past year, I was able to remember and realize why I became a teacher.  It really started when I began walking Matthew to his class each day he had preschool.  We would walk past all the kindergarten and first grade classrooms.  I would peak in the large windows and admire the brightly colored classroom rugs and décor, and all the little desks/tables arranged just so.  I couldn't help but realize that it spoke to me, that teaching was more than just a career for me but a calling.  So, before Christmas, I began the paperwork process to become a substitute teacher with both the Evergreen and Battle Ground School Districts.  I had my first sub job a day after my paperwork was all processed and I was approved.  I still have dreams of having a classroom again.  Maybe someday I tell myself.

I enjoy those rare moments when all the sibs get along at the same time.  I took the girls out to lunch at the Spaghetti Factory, and found the boys playing guitars together.  Luke called themselves the "Rock and Roll Brothers".  They keep me on my toes and always laughing.

Mimi took us out to lunch after church on Sunday.  They love their Mimi!

This opinionated and so full of ideas.

I've been enjoying making fun activities for him to try now that we are on a break from therapy.  Most of them have been a hit.  He LOVES to stamp.  And he will stamp EVERYTHING!

We finished up week four trying some more potty training and failing miserably!  Anyone have any tips? Tricks? Miracles?  Seriously.  You think with kid #4 I would have this down by now.  But NOPE!  Not.Even.Close!

Monday, February 3, 2020

An Award, Snow and Fighting Depression: Week Three

Mark is incredibly humble.  Do you know of anyone like that?  A person who is faithful, trustworthy and does the right thing.  Well...that describes my Mark.  He came home from one of his trips to Pasco, and gave his award to me.  He told me that he was presented this award for reporting a man he saw wandering on the tracks.  Because of his great description,and reporting right away to the police, the man was apprehended.  This man was actually a wanted fugitive.  I’m incredibly proud of his accomplishments with BNSF.  We celebrated by buying him a new railroad bag.  He has wanted this one for awhile and I am so happy that he bought it.
In week 3 we saw some snow!  It snowed off and on during the week.  The kids had a couple of late starts and one snow (rain) day.  Wasn’t quite sure why we had that off.  It has a been an incredibly mild winter this year so far.  
Isn’t preschool art the best?  I am LOVING all the art work that Matthew is bringing home these days.  It takes me back to my days as a Special Education Preschool Teacher. adorable is the snowflake?
Matthew has been very attached to Mark.  He cries and cries when Mark has to go to work.  “I want you to stay with me!”  He pleads.  It is so sad.  They are the best of friends.  However, as soon as he realizes Mark is now away at work, he is back glued to my side.
Bella and Matthew genuinely have a wonderful relationship. He adores and copies EVERYTHING she does and she LOVES calling all the shots.  Do any of your children have a special bond with a sibling?
If you wonder what Matthew has been up to these days, he is stamping all.the.things.  I have gotten more done while he stamps away on paper, and the counter, and quite possibly covering his hands.  Hey it’s sensory right?!?  
And we cannot forget my most feisty, crazy, up for a laugh, daughter of mine!  Gah....she literally has me crying from laughing so hard.  I’m telling you...God put her in my life for some comic relief, and to remember to not take myself so seriously.
And I need that little spit fire!  The end of week 3 found me struggling with depression.  Ahh.  It flairs it’s ugly head at the weirdest of moments.  Sometimes it comes out of nowhere, and other times I can feel it creeping it’s way up and over me.  Perhaps, it is because January is the longest month of the year and it has rained of the month.  Or maybe because the load I am carrying at times feels too heavy to take another step.  But maybe because I am human, and realizing that sometimes it’s okay to not be okay.  I’m more gentle with myself now.  I have my therapist, and my peeps that I call and feel safe enough to share really, honestly, how I feel.  I have my meds and vitamin D, and trying to take walks outside between the downpours.  And I know it isn’t forever.  The sun will shine again.

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