Saturday, December 19, 2009


Baby K with my kiddos on Thanksgiving

Baby K with Luke

Baby K on her first day home from the NICU

Over the last 6 years we have the opportunity to care for 13 foster care children in our home. At times we would welcome them in with a couple of hours notice. Each holds a special place in my heart (2 of them becoming my own children). They all had a story, that would make most shake their heads in disbelief. Little people, too little for the burdens they would already have to carry. One of my favorite little people to come in our home was Baby K. She was my first experience with having an infant, and an infant with special needs. She was a preemie weighing just over 5 pounds when I picked her up from the NICU. She moved on from our home when she was 7 months old. The last time I saw her she was 18 months (she is nearly 3 and half now). I have often wondered about her.

Sometimes God allows us to look through windows at His plan. Yesterday I had the opportunity to look through a window. God decided to once again bring Baby K back into my life (although this time only as a person on the side line). Baby K is now a student at the school where I teach. I can only marvel at His mercy, and His all encompassing plan to remind us that the seeds we sew (even into babies) have a purpose. What a small world we live in, that windows are open for a glimpse into His plan.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

As promised...

Here is a picture of baby girl. I love this picture as you can see her face. I continue to do well, but feel very tired at times. I am 23 weeks today. I have begun my registry at Target and Babies R Us. I am blessed to have most of the "big" items, but there are many things that I don't have based on the fact that both Luke and Grace were 13 months when they came to live with us. Our sweet baby has a name but it will remain a surprise until she is born.

We began our childbirth classes a few weeks ago. I am not sure how I feel about them yet. The teacher is a little high strung for me, but I will give them another week before I make my final decision if I am done or not. I am still not sure how I want my labor to be (pain meds and all). I feel that the baby is going to come however the baby feels silly to me to plan for something that may or may not happen.

In other news, my brother finally set a wedding date for September 17, 2009, so we are excited to finally be planning that. We will be going down to southern, ca for the wedding and a trip to Disneyland. Four of us are going to be in the wedding, and I am not sure who the baby is going to be with during the wedding but I figure there will be some willing hands to hold her. After I give birth, I will be going on weight watchers. They have a program for breastfeeding mothers. Hopefully, 5 months is enough time to look decent in the bridesmaid dress. I know I will never be skinny, but I want to look nice. I actually haven't gained that much weight this pregnancy. I lost 14 pounds the first trimester and I have gained back 6 pounds so far. I know towards the end of the pregnancy that I will be gaining because it just happens. Anyway, enough about weight gain talk.

We will also be going to Hawaii next November, so that will be a fun experience (and yes we are bringing all 3 children). Mark and I just don't travel well without our kiddos even if they are a lot of work.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

We're Having a GIRL!!!!!

Today was the big ultrasound...we are having a girl. My intuition was correct. We are so excited. The other amazing part of the ultrasound was that she measure exactly what she should, my placenta is in the right spot, and she is healthy. I will probably have to go back in a couple of weeks so they can get some better pictures of her heart. It is a difficult organ to see and it helps when you are farther along. The heart rate measured 148bpm. I will post some pictures later...but I wanted to say that the baby is a girl!!! Time for some shopping!!!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The Miracle Baby

I am 20 weeks pregnant with a miracle. I feel a miracle moving around within. I never would have thought this would ever happen to me. I was told it would not without intense medical intervention...yet here I am...20 weeks pregnant with a baby that should not be, that came a way that I was told was impossible, and that has a life already predestined by God for a purpose.

You see...while reading my bible over the last 7 years I have found countless stories of infertility. I have learned many important lessons from these stories about God's will, timing and patience. Yet, in the last couple of months I have learned something new. There are many stories of women who were infertile, and finally when God moved and they conceived and had a child, those children had great purpose. For example, Sarah was nearly 100 years old when she finally gave birth to a baby boy, Issac. Issac grew up and married Rebekah, they suffered from infertility. Issac prayed for Rebekah and the bible says God opened her womb. She gave birth to Jacob and Esau. Jacob married Rachel who watched her sister Leah have baby after baby after baby. In God's timing Rachel gave birth to Joseph and Benjamin. The timing for Joseph to be born was critical. He went on to be the Pharaoh's right hand man and influential in planning, harvesting and saving food during the 7 years of plenty, so they could survive during the seven years of drought. In the new testament, the one story of infertility that amazes me is Elizabeth, who gave birth to John the Baptist. God's timing was again critical as John was only months older than Jesus. There are many other stories too, but these are the ones that I have focused on. I know and believe that all children are miracles, but I know that God has a divine plan for my baby's life and that timing of this little one is perfect. I am just grateful that I didn't have to wait until I was near 100 like Sarah, although sometimes the 7 years has felt like 100.

I don't take for granted this gift that God has chosen to give our family. It means different things to different people. I am just in awe of God's ultimate grace, because I was completely content to adopt and keep loving children that were not biologically mine. As a mom of 2 adopted babes, and one biological I can tell you the love feels no different. I am excited to see if this baby is a boy or girl. We have a name picked out for each. The name will remain a surprise until baby is born. I am ultimately excited to watch God's plan unfold in this little person's life.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Half Way There (20 weeks)

Boy or Girl??? That is the question. I can hardly wait to find out....and on Tuesday, November 24th we will know. My intuition tells me that it is a girl and Mark is thinking a boy...either way we will be happy. My mom is going to come to the ultrasound that will be fun. I would love the kids to be there but they don't allow children under 12 years old in the ultrasound room. Plus I can't imagine trying to keep them behaving while having the ultrasound.

I can't believe I half-way through. It seems like yesterday I found out. I am feeling the baby move around at times. And people defiantly notice that I am pregnant now. Certain things are getting more and more difficult for me to accomplish. This is truly a walk of faith. The baby within is a miracle (all babies are) but I was told that this baby would not come to be by a well respected and knowledgeable doctor. Fortunately...God is in control...not man.

As we enter this holiday season, I am so blessed by the gift God has given me. My heart is so full that no material gift could compare with His gift to us.

Family Vacation

We took our vacation this last week. Mark and I got away for a night to Skamania lodge. I love the lodge it is always so peaceful. We really had a nice time together. We then took the kids to the beach. They had a great time discovering the beach for the first time. We hunted for seashells, played games, shopped and ate out. They really enjoyed themselves.

Tomorrow is back to school and work for me.

It's Been Awhile....

I have been a horrible blogger lately. Life has been so busy. I had a doctor's appointment about 3 weeks ago and everything was perfect. Mark and I decided to have the quad-screen testing done on the baby for Downs Syndrome, Trisomy 18 and spina bifida. Everything came back normal.

The kids are doing well. Luke is reading very well and busy. Grace loves to sing and now we are hearing all the songs for their Christmas party. They had a great Halloween. We went to the Harvest Party at church and then trick-or-treating at Mimi and Papa's house. They both ended up with so much candy!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Out with the old...In with the new...

Today I parted with my double stroller...silly I know. But in some ways it is parting with my old life. The life of foster care and babies coming and going. I can remember seeing Gracie and Sophie riding around the zoo and mall and all sorts of places in that stroller. I can remember Zackary screaming at me in Home Depot because he hated the stroller if he wasn't eating. We put more Target popcorn in those cup holders than any other snack. I said goodbye. Because my life is body is heart is changing...our lives our changing. Today I said goodbye to the double stroller and hello to the single stroller. You see, when the babe arrives, Grace will be 5 years old...and if you know anything about Grace... you know how independent she is. She would rather walk everywhere, and touch everything than be confined to the stroller or shopping cart. We don't need the double stroller anymore. No use keeping it for memory's sake (even though I loved that stroller). So, I did what any good mommy would goodbye to the double (sold it) and bought the single in the same make and brand as the double.
I was going to register for the single, but I needed the one that would fit my infant seat, and they were clearancing out the red one (I love the color red) so I made my first purchase for the baby. A single "red" stroller. I practiced pushing it around the house wondering what adventures the baby and I would have while the two older ones will be in school. Probably trips to the doctors, strolls around the mall and of course trips with the big kids, to the zoo, the fair...Disneyland. I am trying hard not to hurry things along, but the truth is I can't wait to meet this little person within.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

16 weeks

Difficult to believe that I am 16 weeks along. I am feeling pretty well these days except for being exhausted. I have also developed the "pregnancy brain" where I repeat myself and forget basic things (like the names of my students). I am really starting to show now and also ache in my hips and sides (all of which I have been told is normal). I am wearing mainly maternity clothes as they are more comfortable (especially the pants).

We signed up for childbirth classes. It is a 6 week class beginning November 30 - January 4. Sometimes it still doesn't feel real to me that I am going through this. I keep waiting to feel the baby move, but nothing yet. After much deliberation, we have decided to put Grace and Luke in the bigger bedroom in bunk beds and make a nursery for the babe. We won't begin these projects until after the holidays. There is just going to be a five year age difference between Grace and the baby. Luke and Grace are very attached to each other and run on the same schedule. I am sure it will be an adjustment but we will adjust them before the baby arrives.

Speaking of baby arriving...I am a little upset that neither of my children will be allowed to come to the hospital to visit their new baby because of the "lock down" of people allowed in the family birth center because of H1N1. No person under 18 is allowed in the doors. Thankfully Mark and Mother will be allowed to come in. But they have now limited support people from 4 to 2. I know it is for a good reason, but I am hoping they lift the ban in April.

The kids are excited about Halloween coming up. Luke is going to be Darth Vader (a lot of irony there) and Grace is going to Belle (thanks in part to Uncle D and Auntie Katie that sent her a gorgeous Belle costume for her birthday). It will be double the candy and parties because their school is doing a Harvest Festival next Friday and then we always go Trick-or-treating with Mimi on Halloween night, while Papa stays home and hands out candy to the little people that come by. Fun is always had by all.

It is difficult to believe that the holidays are right around the corner. Where does the time go?

Friday, October 9, 2009

14 weeks

Well...I am here. It has been a crazy couple of weeks and much to report. Last week I met with my doctor here in Vancouver for the first time. I had the usual 1st OB visit with all the "fun" tests. Everything came back normal, so I can cross all that off my list of worries. I ended up getting another ultrasound (#5 but who's counting). Baby looked great. Next appointment is in 4 weeks (well 3 weeks now) next ultrasound at 20 weeks. I cannot wait until we can find out what this little one is. Mark would like another boy, but has admitted he would love another little girl too. I told him that was good because I think the baby is a girl. Luke is dead set on a boy. He won't even consider the possibility that it might be a girl. Grace says boy because that is what Luke has convinced her it is. Only a few more weeks until we find out. I think I am starting to show (at least that is what people are telling me). I have been sick this past week with a bad cold. It has been miserable, especially not being able to take any good medication. I am not a particular fan of Tylenol.

We ended up putting Luke in 1st grade at Mountain View Christian School. I just couldn't keep up on everything and feel like I was doing a really quality job with Luke's school. If I wasn't pregnant or working it would have been great. He couldn't be more thrilled. He loves his friends and is doing some exceptional work. I am very proud!!!! He also lost another tooth, and we almost had a panic because he swallowed it and how would he get his money! Luckily, I suggested a note to the tooth fairy would do the trick.

Gracie is fun and full of it. She will tell anyone and everyone about the "baby in mommy's tummy". She is even drawing pictures of her and the baby. And let me tell you...she is quite the artist. She is also into singing...especially the song "John, Jacob, Jinglehemer, Schmidt" very loudly whenever the mood strikes her. She is still in preschool and loves every minute of it.

Mark is busy busy. He is doing and exceptional job helping me whenever I need it. Like today...he deep cleaned the kids bathroom for me. He picks things up that I need and always asks me what he can do. He is very involved in the pregnancy and doctor's appointments. He also has lots of questions for the doctor. I couldn't do this without him.

Let's see...I am trying to think if there is anything else that I haven't covered yet. Oh..Monday is flu shot day and dentist day. We like to just do everything fun in one day. The kids are going to love me!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Ultrasound #4

Today we had our 4th ultrasound. It was absolutely amazing!!! The baby was moving all around and we could see the head, arms, legs and body. She measured the heartbeat and it was 158 bpm. Busy baby. We even got ultrasound pictures. I am a little farther along than I thought 11weeks and 5days. Almost to 12 weeks...unbelievable. The baby measured approx. 2 inches in length. Mark went with my to the appointment and was just as amazed as me. The only bummer was having to have go to the bathroom so badly. Luckily the tech had mercy on my soul and let me go potty after she got some photos first. I really thought I was going to pee my pants. Which Mark thought was absolutely hysterical :)

My next appointment is next Wednesday with the doctor. I will have another ultrasound at 20 weeks and we will find out if it is a boy or a girl. Very exciting. Just had to share our good news.

Sunday, September 13, 2009


At the last minute we decided to enroll Grace in preschool at MVCS. We felt that she needed something that special just for her. She is going 2 half-days a week and of course loves school. She asks me every morning if it is a school day. Luke is being home schooled this year and attending Home Choice Academy though our school district.

Tooth Fairy finally happened. Luke lost his first tooth!!!!!!! He was/is so excited about it. He has only been waiting a year. I think he was the only kindergartner last year not to loose a tooth. The dentist says that boys just lose their teeth later than girls. We thought Grace might start losing teeth before Luke. He was so proud of his tooth, he didn't want the tooth fairy to come because he wanted to keep his tooth. I suggested that he write a note to the tooth fairy and ask if he can keep his first special tooth. She of course agreed, and left him $5 dollars. (I know, it might be a little much, but he worked so hard to lose that first tooth).

10 week Little Bean Update

Difficult for me to believe that I have made it to 10 weeks. It has been a rough road in some parts. Not because anything has gone wrong, but when you live through 3 miscarriages, worry, fear and doubt creep into your mind. I am also at the point where I have now carried the farthest of any of my pregnancies, so now I am uncharted territory.

The last couple of days I have been feeling pretty good. The intense nausea and fear to be far from a bathroom has gone. The heartburn has been a little better too. I hope the trend continues. I was able to have a wonderful Saturday with my mom. She invited me to have a pedicure with her, and then we had lunch at Beaches outside on the river. Finally we went down to the farmer's market and collected all sorts of fruits and veggies. It is the most I have done in the last 10 weeks. I told her a couple of weeks ago, I couldn't have done any of that.

Food is starting to taste good again. I am able to eat a wider variety of things instead of just toast and crackers. Water is tasting better too. It is amazing what our bodies to for the little bean with in.

I was able to hear the heartbeat tonight for the first time. It was 156 beats per minute. Mark and I rented a fetal Doppler. I have had it for a week or so. We thought we were hearing the heartbeat before, but it turned out to be uterine blood flow and my heartbeat. Finally, after realizing the mistake we found the little bean's heartbeat. It sounds like a galloping horse or a train. There is no mistaking it when you find it. I will also begin weaning myself off another medication. Yippee. We still appreciate all your prayers for this baby and my health. From the beginning of this pregnancy I have claimed a "text book" pregnancy. So far God has granted me what I asked including morning sickness and all. I also have my first doctor's appointment this week (well it is only with the nurse) and more blood work.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Almost 9 weeks

There is not much to tell these days. I still feel very icky...(which my mom thinks is the greatest thing ever). We have had fun talking about pregnancy. I have an old baby book from 1969 that my mom used when she was pregnant with me. Now that book was 10 years old when my mom was pregnant with me. Now it is 40 years old. It is quite hysterical. They have a nausea diet (which seriously requires you to eat two pieces of toast every two hours). That translates to a loaf a bread a day. I also love their advice on how to set up the babies room. Too funny. Although I will tell you I will be using their suggestions for telling children where babies come from. I already know that this conversation is coming with Luke. Up until now, babies have come from downtown Vancouver (CPS office). Grace wants to know why the baby isn't crying. And they both will tell you "my mom's baby is going to pop out around Easter." That is such a nice conversational starter with the cashier at Target. Out of the mouth of babes.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Ultrasound Update I had my 3rd ultrasound for this pregnancy. It takes me an hour to make from our home up to the 10th floor of OHSU waterfront building. I hardly had to wait (which was nice)...

Everything looks great. The doctor was pleased and we were able to hear and see the heartbeat today. In fact...I am doing so well that I am now released from the specialist and into the care of my regular OB. I got some more pictures, but they are pretty fuzzy so I won't post them but the baby is there. It was a great appointment. This is the farthest I have ever seen any of my babies. This is a huge milestone. Even though there is still a long way to go I am excited for another good appointment.

Friday, August 21, 2009

7 weeks

Today is 7 weeks. I spent most of the week feeling very sick, tired and I have a wicked case of heartburn. All normal. I called the doctor hoping for some miracle drug that could help with the heartburn. The miracle was called Maalox.

It is crazy how you don't really feel like yourself. It is difficult on my kids because I don't act like myself. I have another ultrasound coming up on Monday. I always start to get nervous a few days before. I pray that everything is growing on target...Some days the walk of faith is is one of those days.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Guess What?????

Surprise!!! We're pregnant. I am in my 6th week and it has already been a roller coaster. First off things are absolutely fine and normal (praise the Lord), but I am being monitored weekly by OHSU infertility consultants in Portland (one of the top rated practices in the United States). I have had my blood drawn more times than I can count and I have already had two ultrasounds. Yes, there is only "one" baby. The baby has a heartbeat (saw it on Thursday). This is truly a miracle of God, as months ago I did not respond to medication to help us get pregnant, and we were told we would need to pursue other options IUI and IVF (things neither Mark nor I felt called too). But God had other ideas and decided to prove those doctors wrong and say "hey, I am still God and in control". Even with my history, I am relaxed and confident that God is in complete control, and I am doing everything within my power and the rest is up to God.

I am on so much medication right now my day goes by what meds I need to take. Some of the meds are normal like prenatals and folic acid, some is not like prometrium, baby aspirin and metformin (all to help me keep the baby).

Yes, I am already having morning sickness (although I wish it was just morning sickness, I feel bad most of the day). I feel terrible, but I keep hearing how good it is to feel this way. It is a nice reminder.

We told our kids today, so it is no longer a secret. Luke had been very worried about me (to the point of tears), so we figured that we would tell them. They could of cared less. But at least he knows that I am OK. So that is the news. We would appreciate your prayers during this incredible walk of faith for us. Thank you.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Yearbook Yourself!!! Too Funny!!!!

Have some time? What to laugh hysterically? Then Yearbook Yourself. It will take you from 1950's to 2000. Here were some of my favorite highlights from the 60's, 70's and 80's. Go to to try it out yourself.




What the World Needs...

is more dads swimming in kiddy pools, and less time spent discussing funding for CASH for Clunkers.

Swimming Lessons

The kids started swimming lessons two weeks ago. It is amazing how different your kids can be. Grace has no fear, whatsoever... Luke, poor guy, is so timid. But he has been trying new things and working on being brave when it comes to putting his face in the water. His therapist wants him to learn how to swim...we are working on it. Grace loves her class and her two "boy teachers" as she tells me. She is like a little fish.

Baseball Park

A few weeks ago we had an opportunity to visit Mimi during lunch time and we went to what Luke calls the "Baseball Park". We went last summer and discovered that they had a real baseball diamond. We didn't have a ball or bat so they "pretended" to play last year. This year in anticipation we brought our baseball bat and tennis balls. Luke was so excited he could hardly stand it. He would hit the ball and run around the bases "sliding" into home plate. Grace enjoyed participating; but she had no clue which way to run. It was too cute. Mimi was a trooper, and a stranger at the park commented on her great baseball skills :)


Luke and Grace have been through 3 swimming pools this summer. Currently, they have managed to put a hole in the new green one. It has a slow leak that neither Mark nor I can find. We keep pumping it up with air and it slowly leaks. Oh you can tell from the picture, it doesn't seem to bother them at all.

Monday, July 13, 2009


Can I be honest??? Last week was a difficult week for me. It was the 4th anniversary of the loss of our third child. The pain is still there. I don't think ever goes away but becomes a part of who you are. It seems that everyone is pregnant around me...that is difficult because it magnifies my infertility. You would think that after seven years I would be able to come to terms with my barrenness, but I have not. I can look back and see God's hand and plan in bringing two of the most wonderful babies into my life. But now, in the thick of things, I cannot see anything. I have been to the specialist, and taken all the tests and have tried the medications, suggestions...I have exercised, ate different foods, given up pop, tried to relax and have even taken the fertility drugs...but nothing...I did not respond. The next step in the medical world would be higher more powerful fertility drugs, ultrasounds and things like IUI and IVF, injectables and a lot of money. Things I don't feel called to.

In the world of state adoption, where we adopted Luke and Grace, is different now. There have been many changes in procedures and goals for the children. There are less kids in care and no need for adoptive homes. We have been on the wait list nearly 10 months with no leads, no calls, no placements, nada, zip, nothing. We have also contemplated foster care, but the Lord has been specific in telling us that right now it is not the time. It is a dangerous world right now.

We are currently praying about other avenues of adoption. Private and international. Both are journeys that we have not taken, but are willing to follow God if he calls us. The main stumbling block for these types of adoptions is money. They are expensive. An international adoption is around 22,000 and a private domestic adoption going through an agency is 35,000 to 50,000 dollars. Crazy...I know. Please pray with us as we seek God's will and plan. We know that each decision has risks and complications. Both Mark and I believe that their is another baby for us. We are believing for a miracle.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

What the World Needs...

less talk of economic stimulus plans...and more kiddos eating summer cherries.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Happy Father's Day

We had a wonderful Father's Day. The kids got all sorts of cards and stuff for daddy. We went to church.

Our pastor was preaching a father's day message and needed some things to represent differnt things dad's do. He asked Mark to bring in his motor bike. It was put up on stage along with some other things like golf clubs, fishing pole, etc.

When I went to pick the kids up from Sunday School, Luke bolted into the sanctuary and took one look at dad's motor bike and hopped on. Grace wasn't too far behind. I got Mark and he couldn't help but get their picture before telling them to get down.

The picture just is funny. I never pictured Mark's motor bike in church. It was a good day.

Grace's First Beauty Salon Haircut

Today Grace got her first beauty salon haircut. She always goes with daddy and Luke to get their haircuts. Today was her day. They were have a fundraiser for the American Cancer Society. All the money today benefited the ACS. When I scheduled it 2 months ago I had know idea how much more it would mean to me today. Grace loved her haircut was very cooperative and they even braided it for her. What a fun day. Oh, and of course Luke talked the beauticians ear off (my friend Jennette).

Our Surprise Trip

It all started with this great idea and the intent to surprise our two little peanuts with a trip to "Great Wolf Lodge." They have been begging us to take them back. Fortunately, the two of them, with their great scheming abilities, came up with a plan to out do ours. They got together on the (DL) down low and schemed surprises for both mom and dad.

The parents' plans were going started with a special surprise breakfast of mini boxes of cereal. I remember as a kid, anytime we took a trip we got the mini boxes of cereal. Frosted flakes were my favorite. The kiddos loved the boxes of cereal since they were sugared (we only eat WIC cereals which you add your own sugar).

I managed to pack everything without them knowing...hehehe.... We were in the van and I handed the kids special envelopes. They opened the envelopes and there was a piece of paper that said "Surprise...We are going to Great Wolf Lodge" and then some pictures so that they would know. I got out the picnic lunch and settled back to enjoy the 1.5 hour trip to Grand Mound, Washington. I was relaxed and happy. They were thrilled with the "bacation" as Luke called it. Once I let my guard down the kids knew it was their signal to break out their own surprises.

An hour into the trip, I hear a tiny voice from the very back of the van say, "Mommy, I have paper in my ear." "You have what in your ear?" I asked. "Paper in my ear" she repeats. Fabulous. I scale into the back of the van which is really no problem after all our "bacations" to Disneyland. Yep..sure enough...paper in the ear. Mark pulled over the van where we attempted to pull the paper out with some tiny tweezers. No luck. I called her ENT, good ole Dr. Wilson, to see what we should do. Their reply, "Normally we would say leave it and we will get out when you get back, but since you are going to a water park better to have it checked out." Great. Centralia ER here we come. By now, I am not a very happy mommy and Luke sensing my frustration is nearly in tears saying "Grace, why did you do that. Why did you have to ruin my bacation."

We pull up to the Centralia ER and fortunately we didn't wait too long. It was wonderful recounting the events several times to many people. They finally call us back. All I am thinking about is I cannot believe this is happening. Grace thinks it is great and makes herself at home watching TV. Why not? This is after all her "bacation".

It takes nearly an hour to flush her ear out. They couldn't reach it with the scoop. Finally large amounts of paper come out. What kind of paper was it? Oh, only the envelope of my surprise note that I gave the kids. Fabulous. We are walking to the car and hear her little voice. She looks up at me and says, "Mommy, I have fun at hospital." Wonderful. At least the kids had a good time. After all they brought them Popsicles. Who wouldn't like the hospital?

Back on the road, nearly two hours later. We make it to the lodge and are starving. We go down to one the restaurants to eat. Luke is very excited and decides to inhale his hot dog. I almost had to do the Heimlich maneuver. I rushed him out of the restaurant because he is sobbing. It scared him very badly. By now I am exhausted and think what did I get myself into. But, I still went to the water park and the arcade. What good parents we are.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

The Graduate

Luke graduated from Kindergarten last Thursday night. He was so precious. The did a big presentation for the families. Luke sang is little heart out to the point of choking and coughing. The kids all had caps and gowns and tassels. Luke even had a small speaking part. He did great!

Mimi and Papa came. Grace enjoyed being at the graduation. They made a slide show presentation about their year in kindergarten. Grace kept saying, "Look, there's Lukey....there's Lukey again. OH, there's me, Gracie." It was too cute. I can't believe that he is a big first grader now.


I know it has been too long since I last update everyone. It is scary how fast time goes by. Let me see if I can recap....

Mark ended up getting furloughed at his work. We kind of knew this was going to happen. We are sure that he will be going back to work soon as soon as things pick up.

I took Luke to an eye appointment. He probably needs vision therapy and we are going to have an assessment for that later this month. Poor kid, I just wish we could get a break somewhere. He also has risk factors for glaucoma. The doctors will have to watch this closely as it runs in the family history.

I turned 30. Scary. It is hard to believe. We had a nice little quiet birthday at the house. The kids got me some presents and an ice cream cake from Cold Stone. Later I want to take the kids to Bennihana to celebrate.

We booked a trip to Disneyland for September.

Kids are finished with school. Yippeee!!!
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